Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology (RAST) Vol. 19 No. 2 (2024): July–December Papers News
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the release of Vol. 19 No. 2 (2024): July–December of the Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology (RAST). This edition features a selection of recent articles, now available on our website.
We hope you find this compilation useful for your work.
Best regards,
Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology (RAST) Editorial Board
Zainuddin, H., Muhamad Hanifah, M. M., Hussin, M. Z., & Muhammad, N. (2024). Cell Temperature Determination based on IEC61215: Solar Photovoltaic Experimental Study of Tropical Malaysia. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 19(2), 1–6.
Susuk, S., Inchoorrun, N. ., Promjan, W. ., Chawananorasest, K. ., & Jamjumroon, S. . (2024). Thermal Evaluation of Solar Dryer’s Curve-Front utilized Heat Transfer Analysis . Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 19(2), 7–12.
Chumpoochai, P., Jutaporn, K. S., Thaworn, C. ., Sawatdeenarunat, C. ., & Nirunsin, R. (2024). The Potential of Biogas Production from Wastewater of Shredded Pork Processing with Cow Manure. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 19(2), 13–18.
Ubolsook, P. ., Khamfong, K., Boonmak, A. ., Podong, C. ., Jansanthea, P. ., Kongnun, W. ., & Aimyuak, Y. . (2024). Quantifying and Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Egg-Laying Hen Farming: A Path Towards Carbon Neutrality. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 19(2), 19–27.
Khonrang, J. ., Somphruek, M., Saengsuwan, T., Duangnakhorn, P. ., & Siri, A. (2024). Development of a Long-Range IoT Air Quality Monitoring System Using LoRa Mesh Repeaters for Real-Time Pollution Tracking. Journal of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, 19(2), 28–37.
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